Whītiki Tauā

Free mentor support for 18–24-year-olds on a main Work and Income benefit, or Mana in Mahi participants.

Whītiki Tauā is a FREE virtual mentoring support service. It connects you to a dedicated person who you can have regular chats with for 12 months via phone or video call.


You can join Whītiki Tauā if:

  • you’re 18-24 years old and on a Work and Income benefit or
  • you’re 18-24 years old and have come off a benefit to start work or study in the last three months or
  • you’re in Mana in Mahi

What is a mentor?

They’re a consistent, reliable, non-judgemental person to kōrero with, ask questions and get guidance from. You can talk to them about anything you want to - perhaps you’re feeling unsure of what direction to take or facing challenges with friends, whānau, work or life in general.

A mentor cares about you and your wellbeing, and are there for you when you need them.

Whītiki Tauā means ‘we’ve got your back’.

A mentor can help you:

  • Grow your self-esteem and confidence
  • Work through tough situations
  • Set goals and achieve them
  • Work out what career or education you would like
  • Celebrate your successes

Our mentors are from a range of backgrounds.

We’ll help you choose a mentor you’ll connect with best and help you get to know each other.

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